Saturday, February 13, 2010

How Do U Give Aself Wedgies Easiest Way To Catch Aself In Platinum?

Easiest way to catch aself in platinum? - how do u give aself wedgies

Can you save your Master Ball for Giratina, I recommend to you that there is a lot of Ultra Balls, a Pokemon that knows False Swipe (like Scyther / Sizor), and a second Pokemon can not sleep, sowing confusion and gain the same time.


beanspro... said...

to find and have a lot to revitalize many Poke / Balls, Balls, and 2 Wobbuffet. Capacity Wobbuffet makes it so the opposition can not pkemon escape. Azelf and then find the fight with the first Wobbe. wobb1 dies, send wobb2. Attack the first thing to do, but do not wobb1. If wobb2 lives with Azelf for a spin, the next attack. To be sure, thou shalt not kill Azelf and continue to re-invigorate the attack pattern.

I caught Latias in sapphirre. Hopefully everything works out for you!

Assassin said...

Try to arrive at once 1HP False (Schyter, they can learn). So try to sleep (if not paralyzed). We recommend that you use Dusk Balls or Ultra Balls.

Happy to collect.

Joe said...

I went with the reply of Yoko, but I would like to add something. Try to catch you, Azelf night with a dance at dusk.

Charles said...


STEVEN♂ said...

we use the average search and go Kepp Ultra

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